JM Rights Index

JM Rights Index was created by Jenia Meng in 2008. They can be used to caculate people's (in particular a group of people's) attitudes to animal rights. The Index range from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the more endosment or support people have on animal rights. Simply rate opinons on the 13 questions an index will be caculated.
#Allowing animals to experience pain during slaughter
#Decoration of animals, such as dying or cutting their hair for aesthetic reasons
#Depriving animals of an appropriate environment to rest, including shelter
#Depriving animals of their needs for food and water
#Desexing by hormone implants
#Keeping animals as pets
#Keeping animals for the education of the public in zoos, wildlife parks etc
#Keeping animals for the production of food or clothing
#Killing young animals that are dependent on their parents
#Marking animals by branding or ear notching
#Removal of a body part, such as tail docking, or declawing
#Using animal for entertainment or sports
#Using animals for work
The detail of the creation of JM Rights Index can be found in Dr Jenia Meng's book 'Origins of Attitudes towards Animals'.
Dr Jenia Meng Also created JM Welfare Index.
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