
BioCognetics is a protologism stemming from work, BioCognetic Peace Education-The Scientific Study of Human Conflict Created by Conditioned Thinking
BioCognetics, Peace Education and Bullying
His work with The Atrium Society and Martial Arts For Peace is focused on identifying and modifying one's thinking, to address harmful conditioning, and it's manifestation as bullying.
His focus spans from the simple, traditional "picking on others" sense, all the way to cultural battles, warfare, and genocide.
BioCognetic Peace Education™ -The Scientific Study of Human Conflict Created by Cognitive-Emotive-Bio-reactive Conditioned Thinking - or - BioCognetics™ - has been designed to reflect the nature and structure of bullying that creates conflict in the way we have been conditioned to think and act. BioCognetics™ uses the relevant context of bullying to demonstrate the cause and effect of prejudicial conditioning because all ages can relate to it. Young people can most easily understand prejudicial conditioning if it is grounded in their real, daily experiences. From the concrete rather than the abstract, they can come to understand what prejudicial conditioning is, how if affects them, and how it impacts the world. BioCognetics Peace Education
BioCognetics™ addresses the root cause of bullying in how the human triune/three part brain in an attempt to cope with fear created by a conditioned threat, such as an "enemy," reacts in an uncoordinated, disjointed reactive manner therefore not allowing the anxiety to be properly seen for what it is - a hypothetical danger - and hence not be unnecessarily acted upon. This dysfunctional operation of the triune brain, because it is initially triggered by indoctrinated fearful thinking, creates conflict and hence prevents peaceful behavior. Out of this fundamental insight into the erroneous maladaptive mechanical structure of the triune brain in its inability to coordinate a cohesive intelligent response to a conditioned threat, Dr. Webster-Doyle, working together with his wife Jean Webster-Doyle, adapted these insights in a pioneering program called Why Is Everybody Always Picking On Us? Understanding the Roots of Prejudice to help war-torn children in Liberia to see if this type of prejudicial conditioned thinking was the fundamental cause of the 15 year civil war they had just endured.
These children have been educated to understand the fundamental cause of what prevents peace, that is, what creates conflict - ethnocentric tribal prejudicial conditioned thinking -“bullying on the battlefield”.
Webster-Doyle encouraged their teacher Marvin Davis from the Common Ground Society, Liberia to write a book about the effect of using Webster-Doyle’s book and curricula on prejudicial bullying with these youth. The outcome was truly amazing in that after only twenty weeks these young people formerly bent on revenge having grown up in one of the most horrendous civil wars ever were freed from that conditioned mind set to look at life anew. The book Brave New Child - Liberating the Children of Liberia and the World ISBN 1425119476 states, “Many theories have been put forward as causes of the Liberian civil war, including unemployment, abuse of human rights, political patronage, illiteracy, lack of development and tribalism. While it is true that all of these factors may have contributed, the heart of the Liberian conflict—and the fundamental cause of all human conflict—is psychological conditioning.”
Comments on BioCognetics
Letter to the New Mexico Holocaust & Intolerance Museum Board of Directors, dated August 6, 2008, by the Museum's Director:
“I wish everyone to see this. These people are truly extraordinary and their thoughts should be considered as we design the new exhibits. Their message is in part that all creatures have a "flight or fight" instinct that is set in place instantly by frightening experiences. This is in turn perpetuated by exposure, actual or imagined, to any creature that even resembles the object of their fear. The actions of others, and propaganda, strengthen these responses. I talked with these people about their successes in Liberia rehabilitating child "soldiers" who had been trained to kill even their own parents."
-Harold Foley
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