Jimmy VRX

Jimmy VRX (Born James Newton) is an American DJ, Producer, and Event Producer. "VRX" is an abbreviation for "Virtual Reality X-Treme".
Jimmy has spent time as a cook, a mechanic, and even a few years as electrician. In 2007 he started the landscape company A-List Landscaping, LLC which is where most of his attention is directed currently.
In 2003 Jim decided to start creating music and continues to still do so. He spends most of his spare time producing instrumental tracks for various artists and entities around the world. He has a track published on F.O.E.M's Electronic Youth: Vol. 11. Jim has also had multiple tracks rated at #1 at Sony's AcidPlanet.com and BroadJam.com. There are pod casts available online that features him as well. Jim has also performed as a DJ at multiple venues from the East Coast to the Rocky Mountains.
In March 2006 Jim produced and funded the largest indoor rave event that the state of Connecticut had witnessed since the 1990s. The rave was titled City Scape. The event was held in Hartford, CT at the Webster Theater. The event promotions were aided in part by Budweiser who promoted it as Bud Light True Music Event. The rave also gained local notoriety because there were no arrests in association with the event. Jim has used the City Scape title to label other events as well.
Jim is known to use Korg, Mackie, Yamaha, Denon, Alesis, and M-Audio equipment for production and live performances.
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