Jesse Badger

Jesse Badger is a New Zealand-born actor known for his roles in Pandora and Shadow and Bone.
Early life and career
Badger was born in New Zealand but moved to Melbourne, Australia in 2014 to study design innovation at Victoria University and pursue the arts. He created artworks featuring acrylic paints and bright colours. During his time in Melbourne he attended acting classes at Brave Studios and completed some work as a voice over artist for a video game and as a theatre actor.
Badger is Christian and would often sing and act in videos for his church in Melbourne.
In 2015, Badger was co-creator of a rickshaw start up in Melbourne called "Bike Cabs".
Badger moved to London, England in 2019 where he was cast in his breakthrough roles in Pandora, Shadow and Bone and Brave New World, released across 2020-2021.
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