Jean-François Lemarignier

Jean-François Marie Joseph Louis Lemarignier (26 March 1908 - 19 June 1980) was a French medieval historian.
Born into a legal family in Paris in 1908, Lemarignier graduated with a licenciate in law in 1929, before entering the École des Chartes on the advice of Paul Fournier.
*Recherches sur l'hommage en marche et les frontières féodales (Travaux et Mémoires de l'Université de Lille, 1945)
*Histoire des institutions françaises du Moyen Age T. III: Institutions ecclésiastiques (with Jean Gaudemet and Guillaume Mollat, Presses Universitaires de France, 1962)
*Le gouvernement royal aux premiers temps capétiens (987-1108) (Picard, 1965)
*La France médiévale, institutions et société (Colin, 1970)
Lemarignier received the 1re médaille des Antiquités de la France in 1938 for his work on monastic exemption, the Prix Gobert of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in 1946 (second prize) and 1971 (first prize, for his book La France médiévale). He was elected a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy in 1975.
He was also a Knight of the and an Officer of the Palmes académiques.<ref name=":0" />
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