Jean-Claude Perez

Jean-Claude Perez, Ph.D., is a French interdisciplinary scientist born on June 26, 1947 in Bassens, Gironde near Bordeaux (France).

An engineer and French scholar from Bordeaux university, Perez worked principally in IBM in both areas of artificial intelligence (neural networks with his holographic-like self-organization model entitled "fractal chaos" issued from both theories of chaos of Ilya Prigogine and autopoiesis of Francisco Varela) then he done research many years in biomathematics (numerical decyphering of DNA and genomes).

He published five books :
* De nouvelles voies vers l'intelligence artificielle (pluri-disciplinarité, auto-organisation et réseaux neuronaux), editor Masson Paris - 1988 and 1989
* La révolution des ordinateurs neuronaux, editor Hermes Paris - 1990
* Planète transgénique, editor l'espace bleu Paris - 1997
* L'ADN décrypté, editor Resurgence Liège (Belgium) - 1997
* Codex Biogénésis: 13 codes et harmonies de l'ADN, to be published Resurgence Editions Liège (Belgium) - 2009


* 1992 "Denis Guichard" prizewinner from the "Fondation de France"
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