Jba fofi

In Congo folklore, the jba fofi or j'ba fofi (Baka: "giant spider") is a creature said to exist in the Congo.
The creature is most famously known as the jba fofi, the name that Baka tribespeople in the Congo have called the giant arachnids that reportedly reside by their dwellings. The name means "great spider" in their language.
Description and habitat
The Baka said that the jba fofi of the Congo would spin a web between two trees which they utilized to capture birds, duiker, and other small game animals. Their eggs were the size of peanuts, and juveniles were yellowish with purple abdomens. When they matured they would turn brown, and were four to five feet in length. The Baka said that they were strong enough to overpower humans, and that they would kill a jba fofi if it made its nest too close to the village. The spiders are described by Baka natives as weaving lairs made of leaves and spinning a circular web between two trees. The Baka told Gibbons that these spiders are now rare due to dwindling habitat. Descriptions of giant spider sightings elsewhere bear a similar resemblance, with some variance in color.
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