Jasmine Sherman

Jasmine Sherman is a political activist, U.S. presidential candidate, and founding member of the Unicorn Party. Challenging Jill Stein in the Green Party presidential primaries in the 2024 United States presidential election, Sherman was nominated by the Green Party of Alaska for president on July 1, 2024.
Early life and education
Sherman was born in New York, New York, the first of two children born to parents Amanda and Thomas. Sherman's parents held careers in customer service and labor. In 2003, Jasmine obtained their high school diploma from Northbridge. The University of Phoenix awarded Sherman a Bachelor of Arts in business. Sherman graduated from University of Phoenix with a masters degree in finance.
Political career
Sherman described themselves as a young black, femme presenting transgender, non-binary, queer, and disabled individual. In a response sent to Ballotpedia in 2023, they voiced their support for universal healthcare and education, universal basic income, and sustainable development.
Sherman formed the Unicorn Party, a self-styled independent political party, on April 2022 in Charlotte, North Carolina, announcing their candidacy for the 2024 presidential election at the same time.
2024 presidential election
Sherman participated in the 2024 Green party presidential primaries. In March 2024, Sherman participated in the Free and Equal Elections Debate with Chase Oliver, Lars Mapstead, and Jill Stein, together with Claudia De la Cruz of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.<ref name=":0" />
On July 1, 2024, the Green Party of Alaska nominated Jasmine Sherman as its presidential candidate for the upcoming general election, with Native American Tanda Blubear as the vice-presidential nominee. In a video clip released by the Green Party of Alaska, Sherman expressed gratitude and excitement for the nomination, emphasizing their commitment to serving the people of Alaska and highlighting the state’s natural beauty. To secure a place on the ballot, Sherman must submit at least 3,614 valid signatures by August 7, as per the Alaska Division of Elections' requirements.<ref name=":1" />
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