Jamia Luthfia Anwarul Uloom Hamidnagar

Jamia Luthfia Anwarul Uloom Hamidnagar (, ), also known as Boruna Madrasah (, ), is one of the oldest and famous Qawmi Madrasahs in Moulvibazar, Bangladesh. In 1941, a disciple and Caliph of the pioneer of Darul Uloom Deoband Shaikhul Hadith Syed Hussain Ahmed Madani (R:), Hazrat Maulana Shaykh Luthfur Rahman Bornabi (R:) established "Jamia Lutfia Anwarul Uloom Hamidnagar". There are 1500 students at present acquiring religious and worldly knowledge with full care and attention and 55 well qualified teachers who teach and monitor student progress. The Jamiah is progressing day by day.
Departments and levels
The Madrasah offers Islamic education from primary level up to the highest degree Takmil Fhil Hadith (Title) classes. The highest degrees are offered in the departments mentioned below:
* Department of Hifz-ul-Qur'an
* Department of Tajweed
* Department of Fatwa
and other important departments.
"Jamia Luthfia Anwarul Uloom Hamidnagar" publishes a monthly magazine in Bengali language called Mashik Hefazothe Islam.
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