James Robertson (actor)

James Robertson (1773 - 1831) was an English actor.
Born in 1773 to James Shaftoe Robertson and Ann (nee Fowler) a family of actors. His brother was Thomas Shaftoe Robertson and sister-in-law Fanny Robertson.
He married twice, firstly (in Retford) Elizabeth Robinson, daughter of William and Hannah Henrietta Taylor (c1757-1837)and a son William Shaftoe Robertson, was father of Dame Madge Robertson.
James left the Lincoln company by 1790 and joined the Stamford company.
As well as acting he was joint manager of this theatre company with Thomas Manly advertising their success in having engaged Master Betty to play three nights in Stamford during the approaching fair.
"THE public are respectfully informed that the property and interest of Mr. Robertson in this Theatre have been by purchase transferred to Mr. Manly, and as the entire management, expenditure, and responsibility, will henceforth rest with Mr. and Mrs. Manly, they entertain a firm persuasion, that the same generous munificence by which the Theatre has hitherto been supported, will still be continued. Their separate Benefits will, for the future, be arranged in the same manner as those of Mr. Robertson and Mr. Manly have been; and they beg leave to say, that no effort shall be spared to render the elegant and rational amusements of the Theatre, worthy the patronage of a liberal and enlightened audience. On Wednesday the 24th instant, The Theatre (considerably improved in painting and decorations) will open, with the Comedy of THE DRAMATIST, or Stop Him who Can. conclude with the Musical Farce of THE PRIZE, or 2, 5, 3, 8", was printed in Stamford Mercury of 19 March 1819.
After he retired from the Stamford company partnership however, he appears to have changed his mind, as worked with his brother Thomas at the Lincoln company. Both brothers died in 1831.
Death. On the Ist inst. at Nottingham, aged 60, Mr. James Robertson, late joint manager with Mr. Manly of the Nottingham, Derby, and Stamford company of comedians, father of Mr. W. Robertson, of the Lincoln company.
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