Jakob Bösch

Jakob Bösch is a Swiss author and psychiatrist.
Jakob Bösch was head of the External Psychiatric Services Baselland from 1991 to 2005 and lecturer for psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics at the University of Basel. He was very interested in alternative healing methods. He is a laureate of the Swiss Society of Psychiatry, the Swiss Association for Natural Healing and the Swiss Association for Parapsychology. Jakob Bösch has worked with selected media and healers including Anouk Claes. For Jakob Bösch, Claes is the most gifted talent in this field he has encountered. Jakob Bösch worked with her for many years Jakob Bösch wrote several books. His first book "Spiritual Healing and Orthodox Medicine" became a bestseller .
Movie documentation
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18DRIIsVhMY 3sat (TV): Anouk Claes - Hellsichtig, 2008]
* Parapsychiatrie. Verlag Scorpio,
* Versöhnen und Heilen. Verlag AT,
* Spirituelles Heilen und Schulmedizin: eine Wissenschaft am Neuanfang. Verlag Lokwort
* Du sollst keine anderen Götter neben dir haben. Spiritueller Atheismus statt Erleuchtungsstress. Verlag AT,
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