
Jabicombe is a Spanish comic and musician.
Born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Jabicombe is recognised as the archipelago, and one of Spain's most upcoming comedians.
Jabicombe's comedy is frequently expressed through his exploration of class in the world of global television advertisments and particularly 1980's North American Soap Operas. By dubbing the vocal tracks of numerous famous video excerpts and TV ads, Jabicombe replaces the script, re-recording the track in authentic Canarian accents. His use of colloquialisms and phrases common only to, Las Islas Canarias pays homage to the islands' rich history and culture.
Barbera Strie-Sand-Chez, is the alter-ego Jabicombe uses to present his work and talent as a musician and singer-songwriter. Through his internet success, Jabicombe has used his growing profile to pass global messages of good will for humanitarian causes.
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