Jori Grym known as J.Grym is the vocalist of the Finnish metal band Vanguard. He was born 29.12.1978 and lives in Helsinki. He is featured with his band and producer Zardonic in the music video HYPER1ONE and Whisper as well as on the records Succumbra (2005) and Hydralchemy (2007). He works as contributing writer for the Finnish magazine Turvallisuus & Riskienhallinta (Security & Risk Management) where he specializes in behavioral and psychological security. He also has a blog of the same subject titled He is a security expert and has for instance worked on a collaboration project on Supply Chain Integrity and Efficiency. He is also a card carrying member of Mensa International. J.Grym has worked as a music journalist for SUE Magazine,, and was one of the first co-creators of He also was one of the judges in the 2009 Ääni Ja Vimma band competition. He is a bachelor of Business Administration from the Metropolia School Of Applied Sciences. His thesis is titled "Unintentional Lying in Job Recruitment. How subconscious forces guide job seekers and recruiters towards untruthful communication." He has an earlier vocational qualification degree in Business and Administration and has studied Social Psychology in the open University Of Helsinki. He has a master's degree of Science in Economics and Business Administration from the Hanken School of Economics. He also plays midfield lacrosse for the Helsinki Chiefs. Grym started a conversational long form podcast entitled Grym+Jalkanen vs. Maailma in late 2016 with active blues musician Ilja Jalkanen, who first gained fame as the frontman of the band Kiuas.