ispCP (Internet Service Provider Control Panel) is an open source project founded to build a Multi Server Control and Administration Panel. This Control Panel is usable by any Internet Service Provider (ISP).
The ispCP Omega release is completely based on the original open source VHCS project. Because part of the ispCP developer team were core members of the VHCS project, there was created a way to migrate to ispCP. This led to the creation of ispCP Omega, a migration path from VHCS to ispCP.
ispCP Omega has a dual license. A large part of the old VHCS code is licensed under the Mozilla Public License. All new code, and submissions to ispCP Omega are licensed under the GNU General Public License (V2). To solve this license conflict there is work on a complete rewrite for a completely GPL2 licensed ispCP.
System requirements
* Apache (web server)
* Postfix (MTA)
* ProFTPd (FTP server)
* PHP 5.3 (programming language, fcgid, fastcgi)
* Perl (programming language)
* MySQL 4 or 5 (relational database management system)
* Courier (POP3- and IMAP daemon)
* BIND8 or BIND9 (DNS server)
* Iptables (optional)
Competing software
* i-MSCP
* cPanel
* Hosting Controller
* ISPConfig
* SysCP
* Virtualmin
* EasySCP
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