Isogai dynamic therapy

Isogai Dynamic Therapy
dynamic therapy Isogai therapy
Isogai therapy or Dynamic Therapy is aimed at reducing the stress on the ligaments that the body has built up during the constant push of gravity through the skeleton during weight bearing when completing daily activites.
Pain and compensations in the body are a result of the hip angle that form when the child is developing
Isogai therapy has been incorporated into Japan's national healthcare system, the results of the muscles and ligaments result in results for over 200 000 patient case studies.
Isogai therapy seems to reset the ligaments to the most economical biomechanical position
Videos of Isogai therapy seem relatively easy to replicate using materials you may have lying around the house,
"With a history over a half century, Isogai-Dynamic Therapy succeeds in 15 million cases."
ease of use
Easy to use and easy to perform.
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