Islamic views on oral sex

Islamic views on oral sex often differ due to opposing interpretations of religious texts. Some Islamic scholars view oral sex acts as prohibited, while others view oral sex as acceptable, though makruh (blameworthy). Oral-genital contact is absent from mentions of foreplay, which in Hadith is stressed as important. Some schools of thought, such as Shafiʽi and Hanbali, consider fellatio to be permissible only as part of foreplay, while all schools regard genital secretion as impure. The husband is also responsible for satisfying the wife's need (bringing her to an orgasm) as part of a healthy marriage and to ensure the right of the wife.
On touching sexual parts
Hanafi jurists believe that touching the penis is not a shameful act in Islamic law. The Sahih Hadith of al-Muwatta Imam Muhammad argues that "The act is not impure". He emphasizes that "If the penis were vile or impure, it should be cut off from the body and thrown away". The Hadith claims that there is no difference between the penis and the other parts of body.
Relation to sexual gratification
Avoiding secretions
Schools of thought (Madhhab) such as Shafiʽi and Hanbali consider fellatio as permissible but only as part of foreplay while all schools regard genital secretion as impure. Oral sex is preferred provided that secretion from the genitalia is not consumed and no injury or infliction made. The consumption of semen is believed to be permissible by some scholars, though the stronger view is that this is not allowed. The mouth has to be rinsed afterwards to maintain cleanliness.
Bathing after oral sex
According to alternative views of some scholars, oral sex is only permitted as a way of stimulation and foreplay. If a husband has oral sex with his wife and ejaculates semen, then ghusl (purification bathing) is obligatory according to Islamic sexual hygienical jurisprudence. However, if he only releases madhy (pre-ejaculatory fluids) then (ritual washing) alone is required, to wash the madhy away.
It is recommended to use a condom or dental dam before performing any form of oral sex.
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