
Avansas, founded in Istanbul in 2009, became the first e-commerce site in Turkey that started to serve with the concept of workplace shopping.
Avansas.co.uk is the first foreign online shopping site of Avansas, which started to serve in the UK in 2021.
<table class="infobox vcard">
<caption class"infobox-title fn org" style"font-size: 125%;">Avansas</caption><tr><td colspan"2"></td></tr><tr><th scope"row" class"infobox-label" style"padding-right: 0.5em;">
Type</th><td class"infobox-data category" style"line-height: 1.35em;">E-Commerce Web Site</td></tr><tr><th scope"row" class"infobox-label" style"padding-right: 0.5em;">Founded</th><td class"infobox-data" style"line-height: 1.35em;">2009</td></tr><tr><th scope"row" class"infobox-label" style"padding-right: 0.5em;">
Headquarters</th><td class"infobox-data agent" style"line-height: 1.35em;"> Istanbul,Turkey, London,UK</td></tr><tr><th scope"row" class"infobox-label" style="padding-right: 0.5em;">
Area served</th><td class"infobox-data adr" style"line-height: 1.35em;"><div style"display: inline;" class"locality"> </div><div style"display: inline;" class"country-name">Turkey,UK</div></td></tr><tr><th scope"row" class"infobox-label" style"padding-right: 0.5em;"><div style"display:inline-block; line-height:1.2em; padding:0.1em 0;">
Number of employees</div></th><td class"infobox-data" style"line-height: 1.35em;">800</td></tr><tr><th scope"row" class"infobox-label" style="padding-right: 0.5em;">
Website</th><td class"infobox-data" style"line-height: 1.35em;"><span class="url"> avansas.com avansas.co.uk avansaspro.com </span></td></tr></table>
Working system
While Avansas serves all companies, large and small, with the motto of the workplace is the shopping place, it also allows individual shopping.
Avansas is an e-commerce site where small or large businesses can provide all their needs. Provides 1 business day delivery to some cities in Turkey and the UK
Avansas TR
Avansas is an online shopping web site where businesses with 1-49 employees and individual consumers can easily become members and shop.
Avansas UK
It has a structure where individual and corporate users can easily become members themselves. From its warehouse in Bedford, it delivers to London in 1 working day with its own delivery vehicles, and to all parts of England via the country's leading cargo companies. It conducts its operations from its central London office.
Avansaspro is a privileged online shopping web site where there is no individual membership, workplaces with more than 50 employees can become members with the help of Avansas customer representatives, with different payment types, due dates, with an approval mechanism in the purchasing process and with assigned customer representatives.
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