Ishq Unplugged is an upcoming Bollywood film produced by Swapna Joshi. The film stars Himesh Reshammiya, Purbi Joshi and Sonal Sehgal.The story of the film has been written by Himesh himself and it is an urban love story with lively music. Production Shooting started on 1 March 2009. Shooting is completed in 65 days non stop schedule. This film is currently in post production phase and is scheduled to be released on 20 May 2011.It becomes a great Movie. Movie Previews Sameer's (Himesh Reshammiya) life is perfect, but for his over-possessive and constantly nagging girl-friend. To add to it, he now has great friendship with his boss' sister. How will he manage the two, and come out with flying colors in this test of true love, while balancing his professional life perfectly well is the story of Ishq Unplugged.