Irwin Christian High School

Irwin Christian High School is an English medium school located in Kolhapur. The school was constructed in 1915 and currently provides education up to S.S.C.
Around 1892, a school was opened in a small temporary shed in the present Sykes Station area of Kolhapur. It had a primary middle school and special class (English medium). Prince Shivaji and Prince Rajaram were the first students. The teachers were an English couple, Dr. Irwin and his wife. When Dr. Irwin died 1909, Mrs. Irwin took the two princes to England to be educated.
The boys' father, Shahu Maharaj, princely ruler of Kolhapur province, donated 36 acres of land for an upgraded school in Kolhapur. In 1915 a school building was constructed named the Irwin Christian High School.
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