Iron Maiden (comics)

Iron Maiden (Melina Von Vostokoff) is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She first appears in Marvel Fanfare #11 (November 1983) and was created by Ralph Macchio and George Pérez. The character is Russian and is depicted most notably an enemy of the Black Widow. She was a member of the Thunderbolts and Femizons.
The character will make her live-action debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Black Widow, portrayed by Rachel Weisz.
Publication history
Iron Maiden first appeared in Marvel Fanfare #11 (November 1983), created by Ralph Macchio and George Pérez.
Fictional character biography
Hired as an assassin for the Russian government,she was trained in the red room multiple times and is extremely skilled Iron Maiden fought Black Widow until S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived and put an end to the battle but she still seems to always have a grudge against black widow. She then joined the Femizons and became one of Superia's lieutenants.
She was eventually apprehended and coerced into joining the Thunderbolts during Civil War.
She later joined the Soviet Revolutionaries Remont Six and led them in an attack on an AIM base outside the Forbidden Zone in Russia. Although her team overpowered Red Guardian and Crimson Dynamo with ease, Ursa Major was able to knock most of them out.
Powers and abilities
Iron Maiden is a master assassin, horticulturalist and spy. She wears a lightweight but strong metal suit that protects her from impacts, bullets and energy weapons. It appears to function as a form of exoskeleton, enhancing her strength and speed to super soldier level this with her knowledge of hand to hand combat makes her a very hard opponent to beat.
Other versions
Ultimate Marvel
Iron Maiden was a considered codename for the when she was given a black suit of Iron Man armor by Iron Man as a possible wedding gift.
Iron Maiden is the superhero name of Antoinette "Toni" Stark (Tony Stark's sister).
Earth X
A character with the same name plays a major role in the Earth X trilogy. She was a new character to this universe, without a known Earth-616 counterpart. A former employee of Reed Richards, she became encased in silver acid and was able to manipulate this armor into weapons. She was a servant of the Red Skull before his death, and was later revealed to have the ability to manipulate all of the Earth's vibranium.
In other media
* Rachel Weisz will appear as Melina Vostokoff / Iron Maiden in the 2020 film Black Widow.
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