Irene Kurka

Irene Kurka (born 1974) is a German soprano.
Born in Darmstadt, Kurka studied singing with Reri Grist (Hochschule für Musik und Theater München) as well as with Barbara Hill Moore (Meadows School of the Arts / Southern Methodist University, Dallas) and Nancy Hermiston (University of British Columbia). She has also taken master classes with Emma Kirkby and Maria Jonas. In addition to musical theatre and oratorio roles, she is particularly interested in contemporary Lieder and has premiered numerous works.
Kurka sings with and in the following groups: e-mex-ensemble, notabu-ensemble Düsseldorf, Kölner Vokalsolisten, , ensemble chronophonie, , La Tenerezza (with Katja Beisch, recorders; Johanna Seitz, baroque harp; , keyboard instrument), Duo Klangvoll (with Barbara Lechner, guitar), Socell 21 (with Burkart Zeller, violoncello) and Soprakkordeon (with Stefan Hippe, accordion).
* 2013 of the Bezirks Mittelfranken (Laudatio: Wilfried Krüger)
* 2014 Music Award of the State Capital Düsseldorf
* neue musik leben
* Klavierlieder von Eva-Maria Houben - Edition Wandelweiser Records und Bayerischer Rundfunk (2017)
* Chants - Edition Wandelweiser Records und Bayerischer Rundfunk (2017)
* Beten.Prayer - Edition Wandelweiser Records und Bayerischer Rundfunk (2015)
* Hildegard von Bingen und John Cage - Edition Wandelweiser Records und Bayerischer Rundfunk (2012)
* Stabat Mater - Makro Musikverlag (2011)
* Two.too - Edition Wandelweiser Records (2009)
* Credo, Michael Denhoff - Cybele Records (2004)
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