
IRCD-Hybrid or Hybrid IRC daemon is a daemon for serving and controlling an IRC network. It is capable of linking many servers, and is expandable via modules.

The IRC services package paired with IRCD-Hybrid is hybserv.

Hybrid was initially split off the generic ircd codebase version 2.8 in 1996/1997. The first official release happened in April 1997. The hybrid-6 release, made in December 1998, became widely used. In August 1999, work on a new version, hybrid-7, began, and was completed with the 7.0 release in 2003. The 7.1 release happened in 2005, and after that 7.2. Version 7.2.3 is the latest version and it is released Feb 2007.

Some of the networks using Hybrid include:
* EFnet

Various other ircds were based on Hybrid, notably Bahamut, used on DALnet, and ircd-ratbox, used on EFnet.

IRCD-Hybrid is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License.
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