Internet induced climate change

Internet induced climage change (IICC) is a term that describes the effects the internet is having, as part of human induced climate change. As the consumption of energy to power cloud storage is estimated to reach one fifth of global electric energy consumption by 2025, the use of the internet is fueling global warming.
Smart phones and other internet-conencted devices are increasing data traffic and leading to increased demand for cloud storage. As cloud storage demand increases exponentially so does the demand for fossil fuel derived electricity to power these systems also known as the environmental impact of electricity generation. This results in the internet contributing to global warming and climate change. The world's data centers have the same carbon footprint as the entire aviation industry. If people deleted their unnecessary data and their old social media posts and unused accounts, the Internet instead of fueling global warming, could become eco-friendly. The term Internet Induced Climate Change is credited to Acharavadee Wongsakon, a Thai Buddhist meditation Master who is sounding the alarm about this global warming phenomena.
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