International Serene Day

The International Serene Day (ISD) is proposed to be observed annually on 20 March, the first day of spring, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2022. The first day of or spring equinox represents new beginnings, rejuvenation, and growth and is a significant day around the world.
Proposed UN Resolution
An annual Serene Day to be observed on March 20, was first proposed by Dr. Chaitanya Hiremath, founder and president of SEALOEarth, in his UN address in 2022, at the Interactive Dialogue of the General Assembly on Harmony with Nature in Commemoration of International Mother Earth Day.
In order to take into account the most pressing issues facing the planet, Dr. Hiremath suggested a monthlong awareness period, starting with the International Serene Day and concluding with the International Mother Earth Day.
Progress of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
After four years promotion of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the 193 countries agreed on in 2015 in Addis Ababa,
five reports on the progress of the SDGs appeared in summer 2019. Based on these reports, the Basel Institute of Commons and Economics synopsis shows which of the 17 goals addressed in priority and which ones were left behind. The Climate was ranked second after Health. But the saddest finding is the last rank for maintaining our biodiversity on Land and below Water.
The magnitude of climate change and loss of biodiversity is enormous, however numerous other important aspects are often overlooked as a priority. It is critical to foster pride in our unique planet because mere will and resolve is not enough to restore its serenity. Keeping in mind the well-being of all inhabitants of planet Earth, human as well as non-humans, the Serene Day is needed to create awareness of anthropogenic intervention at several levels, which encompass air, water, land, light, sound, thermal, nuclear, and space. The International Serene Day provides the opportunity to the humanity to appreciate the beauty of nature and the grandeur of life around us.
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