International Negotiation Institute

The International Negotiation Institute (INI) is an international organization, founded in 2007, with the stated aim of leveling the negotiation playing field and removing financial considerations as a block to disadvantaged organizations and communities improving their negotiating competence through negotiation training.

INI is a humanitarian effort and was founded primarily as an alternative to militarized resolutions to conflict and dispute. INI immediately extended it's scope, from supporting organizations involved in mediating armed conflict, to include all financially underprivileged public service organizations and communities that find disadvantage at the negotiating table through lack of skill.


At 12:38am, on the sixteenth day of January, in the year 2008, William Frances Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth, approved the articles for the non profit organization the International Negotiation Institute Corporation.


The President of INI is Azam M. Z. Zia. Originally from the United Kingdom, Azam studied law and founded the teaching and educational excellence organization, Total Education Services, before coming to the United States of America in 2007 where he accepted the role of Associate Director with one of the programs at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. When the program matured and left the law school, Azam went on to found the International Negotiation Institute with the intention of creating a free, unending supply of world class negotiators and conflict resolution professionals to train, intervene and support those struggling for peace and equity throughout the world.

Training School

A significant majority of the projects undertaken by INI involve training. INI's Training School is a new faculty, established in 2007 with the stated mission to Establish INI's Training School as the centre of excellence for tomorrow's negotiation and conflict resolution professionals.

The training school has two main branches;

Delivery: Best Practices

The first branch of courses offered by INI's Training school are generic delivery methods.

Since the school began it has been left open to contributors from all over the world to send in their best practices. They are then developed and used as material for the courses.


The second branch of courses are project specific courses. They are written in partnership with law firms, focus groups and humanitarian organizations. Groundwork courses are used to prepare trainers for actual projects.

Intervention and Support

Some of INI's work involves managing active conflict on behalf of parties involved. Groundwork training is also used here.

Just Make Intention

Just Make Intention is INI's donation and voluteer recruitment programme.


INI has an open invitation for articles from all negotiation professionals, to be published on the website and to be tranferred to course material.
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