Interlock diagram

An interlock diagram (for example see ) is a real or imagined diagram that plots the actual interactions, physical, political, social, environmental between all entities within human societies. Each node is a specific activity such as a power station, or a policy such as controlled rent.
Ideally each node should be owned by a practitioner with relevant experience and knowledge both tacit knowledge and explicit. By having an expert at each node, these can feed policy insight directly into government or other management machinery, to keep the organisation on track and to achieve its goals. Lateral communication occurs between these experts, largely mapping the interactions, which facilitates the transfer of relevant information and tacit knowledge. This defeats the Relevance Paradox.
The diagram can be started by one or more such experts and can grow to plot all interactions, and stimulate discussions about the various knock on effects and their amelioration.
To a very large extent, is a gigantic self assembling interlock diagram, and the participants are carrying out interlock research.
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