Intellikey Labs

Intellikey Labs is an independent quality assurance testing lab formed in 1997 and based in Los Angeles, California, USA. Intellikey performs testing of content on optical discs and websites, testing for digital media, streaming and electronic content and hardware to quality assure these products before they are released or distributed. These tests help ensure a more error-free product for use.
The lab was founded in 1997 by Darrell and Lauren Evers. Intellikey was established to test and quality assure motion pictures that were going to be released on the DVD, a new optical media format in 1996.
At that time, the DVD was being embraced by motion picture studios such as Universal Studios, New Line Home Video (New Line Cinema), Warner Home Video, Columbia TriStar Home Video (Columbia Pictures), MGM Home Entertainment and music publishers Sony Music Entertainment/Sony Wonder and PolyGram. These entities collaborated with hardware and optical disc manufacturers Pioneer Corporation, Sony, Toshiba, and Matsushita, Philips, Hitachi and Thomson (Thomson SA) to promote DVD as the format of the future for the consumer marketplace.
Intellikey Labs developed testing methods for studio content that prevail today for any content formatted on DVD or alternative optical formats like HD DVD and Blu-ray and recordable media. The testing scenarios created at Intellikey checked DVD authoring titles for navigational quality and functionality, helping to identify errors that could affect the quality of the end product. As the acceptance of optical media widened, Intellikey innovated test methods for optical media quality assurance.
DVD compatibility testing
Intellikey Labs established a DVD player compatibility testing method to test the playability of a disc on players before the disc went into mass production. The method was developed in accordance with the DVD region code system established for DVD. As the DVD format grew to world wide acceptance in the late 1990s, Intellikey expanded its testing methods to provide for both domestic and international testing. Frequently recognized as "the most widely respected compatibility testing facility"[], Intellikey continues to maintain these test methods in tandem with new formats and technologies for compatibility testing.
The Affected Market Percentage or AMP risk calculation method for DVD is also attributed to Intellikey Labs. This scoring system evaluates a client's risk exposure to uncorrected errors.
Next-Gen Testing
Emerging technologies for HD DVD and Blu-ray discs and their consumer electronic products have dictated the need for new types of matrices and testing systems. New content delivery methods for digital media and electronic media require a Content Delivery Network, and have equal need for content testing and quality assurance. Intellikey works with hi-definition manufacturers to test their products before they go to market for usability, functionality and compatibility.
The testing services provided by Intellikey Labs are used by corporations such as copy protection application developers or equipment and player manufacturers who by requirement must subject their new technologies to proof of concept (PoC) testing. Intellikey applies its methods to create the test protocols necessary for the new formats and platforms. The lab works with consumer electronic hardware manufacturers, motion picture studios, content distribution companies, advertising and creative agencies and marketing divisions of Fortune 500 companies to test and quality assure their products before they go to market.
Resources and references
*DVD Demystified, 2nd Edition, Jim Taylor
*,Intellikey Labs. DVD Recordable Media Test, Sept. 19, 2002,
*Mediaware, October 2006
*Understanding Recordable and Rewritable DVD, Hugh Bennett
*DVD Authoring and Production, Ralph Labarge
*Common DVD Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Douglas Dixon,[]
*A Few Words About DVD Compatibility, DVD+RW Alliance,
*cited in The Complete Idiots Guide to Creating CDs and DVDs, Todd Brake. Alpha Books, 2003, page 20. ISBN 0028644840
* Trai Forrester, August 25, 2006
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