
Instructure is an educational software company that provides a hosted (Software as a Service) learning management system for post-secondary learning institutions called Canvas. Instructure was founded in 2008 and is located in Lehi, Utah.
Instructure was founded in Provo, Utah in 2008 by Brigham Young University graduate students, Brian Whitmer and Devlin Daley. They developed a learning management system (LMS) in response to low satisfaction levels among universities with existing systems
Instructure's main product is the Canvas LMS. Canvas is targeted primarily at higher education, and competes with tools like Blackboard Learning System, Moodle or the Sakai Project. Canvas was designed using feedback from groups at universities including USC and UC-Riverside<ref nameDailyUniverse1 /> with a goal of building an LMS that felt similar to other contemporary web sites.<ref nameDeseretNews1 /><ref nameFeldstein2010 /> It allows integration with other web services and provides tools for grading and assessment<ref nameStein2010 /> as well as user-configurable notifications and embedded webcam recordings<ref nameFeldstein2010 />. Canvas is also integrated with the Turnitin plagiarism prevention tool<ref nameInstructure1 />.
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