Instituto Nacional Meteorologia y Hidrologia

Leading the national hydrometeorological sector and maintain the international representation of Ecuador as a scientific institution, specialized technical and independently contributing to the sustainable development of the country in compliance with the policy of competitiveness and productivity driven by the national government.

Exercise stewardship hydrometeorological sector standards and national, with international representation in order to meet the needs of timely information, products and services hydrometeorlogical of national and international users, generating scientific and technical products and providing quality service excellence. INAMHI functions are:
a. Planning, directing and overseeing the meteorological and hydrological activities in the country, in coordination with other institutions and agencies, and with the national socio-economic development;
b. Develop systems and rules governing the programs of meteorology and hydrology to be developed in accordance with national needs;
c. Establish, operate and maintain the infrastructure necessary for basic hydrometeorological compliance program to be made;
d. To obtain, collect, examine, process, publish and disseminate data, information and forecasts necessary for the detailed and comprehensive knowledge of weather, climate and hydrological characteristics of the whole maritime and continental Ecuador;
e. Conduct studies and research hydrometeorological general and specific request for state agencies or individuals;
f. Educate and train staff level and prone to technical and professional expertise in the fields of meteorology and hydrology, and
g. Promote scientific research in Meteorology and Hydrology.
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