Institute for Educational Advancement
The Institute for Educational Advancement (IEA), founded in 1999, is an educational foundation based in Pasadena, California, that supports gifted students in middle school and high school. It is known for its annual scholarships for high school students, and supports summer programs for students across the United States, including teacher training. Programs Starting in 2002, IEA has offered a competitive scholarship for gifted middle school students, covering the cost of any four-year high school they choose to attend. This program supported five students per year in 2002, and 15 students by 2012; it is now called the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship. Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship The Bradley Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship for United States citizens that offers middle school students nationwide a four-year scholarship to any high school in the country. Students must apply while in the 7th grade, by April of that year. Scholarship recipients must score in the top 3% on a nationally normed standardized test and take the College Board SAT college admissions test or the ACT test while in seventh grade. Applicants also write essays and finalists have an interview. Current scholars and alumni attend an annual retreat. The scholarship was launched in 2002 with 5 students, supported by an anonymous donor. As of 2022, it was funded by the Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation. In 2012, fifteen students were selected. The college with the largest number of previous Bradley Scholarship winners currently enrolled as undergraduates was Harvard University. Starting in 2019, the IEA began to publish their annual scholarship recipients as "the class of 2024" (referencing the high school graduation date) instead of "the class of 2019" (the year of receiving the scholarship). The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Program is a similar program available to students from low-income backgrounds. These are the only two U.S. scholarships that are national competitions and that pay for high school tuition at any high school. It is possible to be awarded both scholarships.