
InspIRCd is an IRCd created from scratch which aims to be highly modular. It is written in and originally designed for the ChatSpike network.
Due to its modularity, InspIRCd offers runtime reloadable core commands and can be extended with custom functionality without bloating the thin core which allows for very customized installations. The modular approach allows to update features like SSL on-the-fly without restarting the IRCd. For Windows users, it offers a GUI not only for starting/stopping the IRCd but also for creating a configuration file automatically by asking the user for the desired values.
It features Linux epoll support and Windows IOCP support for good performance even with a vast amount of simultaneous connections, a regular expressions spam filter and abstract oper classes with different assigned rights for easy oper management especially for a larger staff.
Usage & Popularity
InspIRCd is according to SearchIRC currently the second-to-most used IRCd after UnrealIRCd.
The developers of UnrealIRCd also considered using InspIRCd as codebase for Unreal 4, but ultimatively dropped that idea again. Also AustNet uses the IRCd as codebase.
A bigger network where InspIRCd is currently in use is ChatSpike, which is also the one that drives development.<ref name="language"/>
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