Infomigra European Project

European Union, especially Italy and Spain, receive a high number of immigrants proceeding from the north of Africa and of other African and even Asian countries who use Morocco and Senegal as point of transition for their migrations towards Europe. In view of the situation, the Infomigra European project (“Awareness campaigns concerning the conditions and opportunities of migration”) is aimed at the design of awareness campaigns drawing attention to the dangers of illegal immigration in those countries receiving immigrants from the third world. Another objective is to get the migrants inform in their homes about the advantages of the regular immigration.
Infomigra Project

The project contemplates a study of the expectations of immigrants' return that participants are in the regions in the project and another study on the general situation in Morocco and in Senegal about the migratory perspectives among their population. After the studies, the project will design a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of illegal immigration into the European Union and illegal stay in its member states. The informative and preventive campaing would be allowed to the media and specially to the schools of Senegal and Morocco
Among the expected results for the campaign are: a comparative in depth analysis on the immigration causes and situation in the Mediterranean region; the establishment of a permanent network of contacts with representatives of the mass media in Morocco and Senegal as well as the education authorities in these countries; and to get the participation and involvement of the target audience of these campaigns in the execution and development of a pilot training module based on eLearning and support.
*DG Migration of the Valencian from the Valencian Minister for Migration and Citizenship (Spain)
*Fundación Comunidad Valenciana - Región Europea (Spain)
*Spanish Red Cross (Spain)
*Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias (Spain)
*Euroconsumo Comunidad Valenciana(Spain)
*AVAR (Spain)
*Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca (Italy)
*Agenfor Lombardia (Italy)
*Georama (Greece)
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