Infinity of Heaven

Infinity of Heaven was a planned book series by the late Robert Jordan. Jordan was famous for his bestselling high fantasy series The Wheel of Time; Infinity of Heaven was to be his next major project after completing that series. The author believed that the series would consist of two sets of three books each. Jordan's death has left the fate of the project unclear.
On the plot of Infinity of Heaven, Jordan said:
"My editor says it will be people's chance to see a society like the Seanchan Empire , but that is simply because most of the action will take place in a culture much like Seanchan. The main male character, who is shipwrecked there, comes from a place that might be considered a cross between Elizabethan England and the Italian city-states of the Renaissance with touches of the seventeenth century. I intend him to be a man in his thirties, a man of some experience and worldliness in his own culture (though this does him only occasional good where he finds himself), in contrast to Rand's innocence and naiveté. The major female character is a noblewoman of the land where he is shipwrecked; by the law, whatever is cast up on the shores of her estates belongs to her: the ship, its cargo -- its crew. Of course, a good many details will surely change between now and the commencement of writing (they always do), but that is the general form." Infinity of Heaven will have one culture that is "much more readily apparent as being 17th, early 18th century at technological level, cultural levels. I dislike the view of the world of the Wheel of Time as medieval."
Jordan acknowledged the obvious influence of James Clavell's over his new work.
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