Infinite Analytics

Infinite Analytics is an artificial intelligence company whose proprietary AI platform finds insights about customers from unseen patterns in diverse datasets to drive intelligent decision making for consumer packaged goods, retail, e-commerce, healthcare, D2C and financial sectors. It has its headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts and has an office in India.
Infinite Analytics was founded by Akash Bhatia and Purushotham Botla at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They met in a class taught by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. They created a prototype of what is now the Infinite Analytics platform, as a class project.
Infinite Analytics was in the news when Ratan Tata invested in them.
During the Covid lockdown, Infinite Analytics worked with various governments, using their platform to understand mobility and help with containment zone analyses and effectively curb the spread of the virus. For this, they received multiple grants, ACT grant being one of them
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