In lieu of flowers

In lieu of flowers is a phrase commonly inserted into obituaries and death notices. Literally meaning “instead of flowers,” the presence of this within the body of an obituary is often confusing for the friends and relatives of the deceased.

The wide diversity of cultural funeral traditions requires that we mention the fact that not all cultures incorporate flowers in the rituals surrounding death. But, for most North Americans, flowers play a major part in at least two of life’s rites of passage: weddings and funerals. It is hard to imagine either ritual without flowers.

Whether or not the obituary of a relative or friend states 'in lieu of flowers,' it is important to follow your heart in these matters. Your choice should be aligned with your personal beliefs and preferences - while also respecting the elements of the ritual supported by the presence of flowers: they are beautiful examples of the vibrancy of life, provide those in attendance with points of conversation, and illustrate the deceased was loved in an highly-visible way.
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