In Fair Palestine

In Fair Palestine: A story of Romeo and Juliet is a movie created a by a group of Palestinian teenagers, it is a Docu-Drama that has taken 2.5 years to finish. It is the story of Romeo and Juliet only this one takes place in Ramallah, Palestine in a Palestinian context. The movie has been highly appraised by many people after viewing it. The movie premiered on the 19th of January at the Ramllah Cultural Palace, the theater was over flowing with over 800 people in a 700 seat cinema.

The idea to create the movie was started by Doug Hart an English teacher at the Ramallah Friends Schools. He gathered around a group of 10th graders at the school and they started working on the project. With the help of many books and the internet the students gained a better understanding of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

During 11th grade the writers and the director of the movie worked on writing the script. By the end of 11th grade the script was finished and summer was nearing up which was a perfect time to begin shooting.

Shooting began on the 7th of June and then carried on until 28th of September. During the shooting the crew met constantly at the Head Quarters where editing was taking place. The actors trained vigorously until perfection. Editing carried on all through 12th grade until it was finalized only a few days before the movie premier on the 19th of January.
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