Ikube Enterprise Search

Ikube Enterprise Search
Ikube is an open source enterprise search application written in Java. Ikube is geared for high volumes of data, and is focused on database indexing and searching. Ikube has handlers for internet/intranet, file system and email. Various data formats are supported like Word, Pdf, and other popular formats. Ikube clusters automatically via UDP broardcasting. Ikube runs in a server(as a war) or as a stand alone application(as a jar). Lucene is the core indexing library used, which is a full text search and indexing library. Results from searching are Xml and the functionality is accessible via a web service. Results are a serialized list of maps, which can then be rendered by clients or applications in any number of ways.
Ikube is configurable and does not typically need Java coding, however being based on Spring is customizable and extendable, and designed to be customized and extended for difficult environments.
Ikube follows a pull model for indexing, i.e. handlers for data sources like internet sites and databases are essentially crawlers that will periodically crawl data sources and index the data.
Ikube started as an implementation for indexing transaction data for banks( KBC in Belgium is one such bank) in 2005/6 as part of a fraud detection addon for the Norkom fraud detection application. It then was re-implemented for indexing data for the Ministry of Finance in Belgium in 2009. After which it went through a productization(2009 - 2011) and generalizing process making it more generally usable by applications.
* Clusterable
* Geospatial indexing and search
* Flexible continuous crawl schedules
* Cluster indexing and search monitoring and performance
* Operating system independant
* High data volume indexing

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