Ikea Monkey

Ikea Monkey refers to a seven month old primate named Darwin who was found wandering in the parking lot of an IKEA store in Toronto, Ontario. He was found by a group of local shoppers on December 9th, 2012. Local shoppers reported the unusual presence of a primate to Toronto city staff who then took him away from his owner and was later transfered to a primate care facility northeast of Toronto.
The story of the wandering primate became a worldwide phenomenon gaining news coverage all over the world. Shortly after Darwin was found, his pictures and story were all over social media networks Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The most re-occuring pictures were that of him in his winter parka sized perfectly for him.
Early Life
The primate became a pet of a Toronto lawyer, Yasmin Nakhuda. She mentioned in interviews how the primate would not leave her side and needed 24 hour care.
The primate had been captured in the parking lot and taken to a sanctuary. The owner was then forced to sign ownership over to the authorities and fined $240.00 for breaking the laws on primate ownership.
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