
The term 'ideoléxico is a recent and it is part of the Political Semantic Fields Theory. It is used to indicate the semantic construction and the ideological enhancement of a word as the tensions of social power take place. Some of the most common ideoléxicos in our time (second half of the XX century, early XXI century) are people freedom home democracy and Justice. Each of these words is defined as ideoléxico because it is the goal and the result of a social struggle for the definition of a semantic field.
To the traditional use of these words can be added others such as sexism.
One might imagine that when someone uses an ideoléxico is being defined itself ideologically. For example, the word "machismo" is used by feminist ideology, the word "homeland", by nationalists, and so on. But it is not always the case because, for example, the term pensée unique is used both by the social s for the neoliberal is to refer to their opponents.
In connection with the words "people" and "popular", there is no consensus among the speakers, as their political use is clear, for example: "The people, united, will never be defeated", "People's Party "Popular", etc, but many think they can be used in a neutral and depends on the context. Others, however, such as Agustín García Calvo, prefer to use the word "people" because they believe that no political connotations.
The term citizen of the world can also be seen as a ideoléxico, as the closest thing that can be found in international law is stateless, which in reality is just the mean contrary, a citizen of any country in the world. However cosmopolitan, which might seem a synonym is an adjective often applied to, for example, large cities such as Paris, London or New York and seems to be consensus on its use in this case and other similar.

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