Hysen Ibrahimi

Hysen Ibrahimi an Albanian from Republic of Kosovo, was born on 4 January 1962 in Shpat (formerly known as Shupkovc) municipality of Mitrovica, Kosovo. He finished elementary school at his birthplace, whereas high school in the branch of Economics in Mitrovica. Ibrahimi, was an active member of the Organizing Group for the student’s demonstrations of 3d and 4 April 1981 in Mitrovica with Xhelal Ferizi as the leader. He migrated to Sweden on 12 of April 1988, where he finished his studies in Information Technology and International Policy.
Early activities
Since his early arrival in Scandinavia, Ibrahimi was actively engaged in politics, where he was distinguished for nearly a decade in the so-called “The three percent” Republic of Kosovo Fund; and as well in other activities as in raising awareness and informing the Swedish opinion on the case of Kosovo. Regarding profession, Ibrahimi is a writer.
He was Head of LDK (Lidhja Demokratike e Kosoves in English Democratic League of Kosovo) branch in Sweden 2001-2007, and member of the General Council of LDK in Kosovo 2004-2007. Head of LDD (Lidhja Demokratike e Dardanise, in English Democratic League of Dardania) branch in Sweden 2007-2013 and a member of the General Council of LDD in Kosovo during 2007-2013. He continues to be a member of the Leading Committee of LDK branch in Sweden since 2014.
On November 10, 2000 at Förslöv, Ibrahimi successfully launched his book titled “Solidarity of the Albanian Diaspora in Sweden”. On the 24th and 25 July 2006, he participated in the 5th scientific session “The Albanian Right Wing in Protection of the Ethnic Albania” -5, subject: “ Ilaz Rrustem Kolla - courageous on the Albanian cause, anticommunist warrior” held in Orosh and Rreshen of Miredita in Albania. On the 15th of September 2011, he launched his third book at the National and University Library of Kosovo in Prishtina, titled “Diaspora and Education in the Birthplace”.
On 26 November 2011, at Förslöv in Sweden he was elected Chairman of the Albanian Writers and Artists committee “Papa Klementi XI - Albani” for Sweden. Ibrahimi was an active member of several working groups of scientific papers during 2012, 13, 14, 15 and 2016; he participated in 6 (six) scientific sessions on the book “National Treasure of the Albanian Diaspora” in Sweden 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for the Independence Day of the Republic of Kosovo, organisaed by the , Swedeen held at Ängelholm, Landskrona, Uddevalla, Falkenberg and Lund in Sweden.
Furthermore, Ibrahimi has worked as an editor and reviewer of several books of Albanian authors, published during recent years. On the 23d of November 2013, in Koblenz of Germany Ibrahimi has elected Vice President of the Albanian Writers League in Diaspora (in Albanian Lidhjes së Krijuesve Shqiptarë për Mërgatë LKSHM). In Lac, on 8 March 2015, the National Society of Friendship and Cooperation Albania - Italy (in Albanian Shoqata Kombëtare e Miqësisë & Bashkëpunimit Shqipëri-Itali), declares Ibrahimi as an honorable member of the society.
The Society of Peja Writers, on 1 August 2015, declares Ibrahimi an honorable member of this society, and presents him a Letter of Acknowledgment. On November 6, 2015, in Lund, Sweden Ibrahimi was re-elected Chairman of the Albanian Writers and Artists committee “Papa Klementi XI - Albani”, Sweden. On 4 January 2016, he launched his fourth book at the Cultural Center “Rexhep Mitrovica” in Mitrovica, Kosovo, titled “WORKS” (in Albanian Vepra) evaluations, opinions, interviews and reviews.
Ibrahimi participated, in thirst Summit of Diaspora, as the president of the Albanian Writers and Artists Organization “Pope Clement XI Albani, Sweden, held in Tirana from 18th to 20th of November, 2016; Ibrahimi was officially invited by Mr. Edi Rama, Prime minister of the Albanian Republic Government.
Until now, Ibrahimi has published several articles, papers, studies, reviews, opinions in regards to political, cultural and educational matters; materials which have been published repeatedly on Albanian newspapers in Kosovo, Albania and Sweden. Ibrahimi has manuscripts of several of his works. For his continuous contribution and engagement he has been rewarded over 30 (thirty) thank you letters and acknowledgments both on the national level and Sweden.
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