Human photosynthesis

Human photosynthesis, or more accurately human phototrophism is the suggestion that the human body is able to photosynthesise in the same way as a plant.
Suggested mechanisms
A mechanism posited by the Human Photosynthesis Study Center is that melanin could absorb energy from photons to execute a hydrolysis reaction which generates usable energy for oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. The photopigment melanin absorbs photons and redirects this energy to split water into diatomic hydrogen (H<sub>2</sub>) and oxygen (O<sub>2</sub>). These bridges facilitate the transfer of energy to the mitochondria where H<sub>2</sub> reduces NAD+ and FAD to NADH and FADH<sub>2</sub>, respectively. These energy carriers translocate these protons (H+) within the inner membrane of the mitochondria to establish an electrochemical gradient. This build-up of protons leads to Oxidative phosphorylation and activates ATP synthase to generate ATP. O<sub>2</sub> accepts the protons passing through ATP synthase and reforms water to complete this cyclical process of melanin-mediated phototrophism. This process has also been observed in fungus as well as the pectin of birds.<ref name=":0"/>
The cyclical process of melanin-mediated photohydrolysis accompanied by oxidative phosphorylation of the products in the mitochondrion which is physically connected to the melanosome.
Purported living examples
An indigenous Mesoamerican culture called the Tarahumara people are known to run hundreds of miles at a time. Although the journalist thought their shoes allowed this phenomenon, Human phototrophism, or energy from sunlight, could be the explanation for this athletic feat. Being located near the tropic of cancer, this culture has significant amount of sunlight and their dark skin indicates they have significant melanin.
Diana Nyad at the age of 64 swam from Cuba to Florida (110 miles). This feat may have been made possible by the boost of energy from the sunlight and the phototrophic pathway. Pictures of Diana show that she had a significant suntan (indicating the presence of melanin) before she attempted this swim.
Breatharians are a group of people who claim to be able to live without food. Phototrophic energy is an explanation for this phenomenonal lifestyle that many claim to be living such as Nikolai Dolgoruky, Dr. Barbara Moore, Victor Truviano.
“Don’t stop eating and drinking, that’s a diagnosis and a disease. Breatharianism is a call felt only by individuals.”
The proposed mechanism of human phototrophism is the best explanation so far as to how these people can survive such a lifestyle.
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