
Entitism is a belief based fundamentally on a meditative understanding of equality among all living things, and notably on removing all arbitrary separatist identifications based on religion, patriotism, race, sex, class, or wealth through the recognition that such identifications are based on the definitions and interpretations of superiority over other people and things causing severe and complex problems in societies.

The main goal of Entitism is to educate these principles in the pursuit of a prosperous, peaceful and united human civilization of all people living within a borderless global continent without subjection to social elite or imperialism.

Entitism is essentially the entity of all religions and is the driving spirit behind humanity and all living things. It is the state of similarity between the existence of all things.

An example of such similarity is between the humanity and bacterial lifeforms. Quoted from Dr. Vanhoeck of Molecular Biology,:

"You can keep a bacterial culture growing indefinitely if you provide it with the nutrients and conditions it needs. However, if the culture is growing in a closed environment, eventually their own waste will build up, poisoning them, and nutrients will run out because of the sheer numbers. They will eventually all die."

In terms of existence, an Entitist believes our own human intelligence is both beneficial and detrimental to our development. Humans have a natural tendency towards valuating all things leading to collective societies where one will group with others of similar values, which leads both to the prosperity of certain values while segregating other values and those who hold those values within the group. This instinctively attributes to animals and their relationship to humanity.
Entitists believe that all forms of life begin as single-celled lifeforms, which is scientifically correct. Through the process of genetic manipulation the cell will grow to be a form of unrestricted size and shape given the appropriate amount of energy from its developer. This manipulation is determined by the evolutionary process of environmental adaptation and the universal competition for energy. A living being must absorb and convert energy to produce offspring, and in this thought an Entitist would draw the conclusion that the energy used to generate the single-celled lifeform of which we all derive is what gives us our essence, and is true that this energy must be continuously refreshed to further existence, and in death this energy will be given to the bacteria and cell of other beings around us and thus resurrected. This belief is similar to the Gaia Hypothesis and Pantheism.
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