Human and artificial cause death in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries

Human and artificial cause death in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries describes death from causes which are human-made (artificial), or as a result of human acts and action, in the periods twentieth and twenty first centuries, and details numbers of deaths, either for a one year period, or for a period in history, in which the causes of death are by human only; either by things humans make, or behaviours of humans, not by disease or natural disaster. All figures are approximate due to rounding up or down of official or calculated figures.
The periods twentieth and twenty first centuries are described as belonging to the period known as contemporary history, after the earliest conceptualization of the periods in history, was made by the Institute of Contemporary History, based in the Netherlands during the 1930s.
Hierarchy of deaths
On the subject of reports of death in the media, and occurences of death the media operate a hierarchy of death in which certain types of death is more valuable for reports than other.
Tobacco (1990, 2010, 2015, 2017)
Tobacco is a natural substance which is indigeneous to North and South America and is addictive. The Global Burden of Disease Study found 5 million deaths minimum worldwide are atrributable to smoking tobacco per year since 1990; this is a minimum of 140 million people who have died by causes attributable to tobacco smoking from 1990 to 2018. The figures for deaths are presumed for all countries of the world unless indicated otherwise:
1990: estimated 1.0606 million, of 44 countries in the developed world (Peto et al 1996)
2010: approximately 6 million (Oxfam) 6.4 million deaths attributed to tobacco smoking (Global Burden of Disease Study)
2017: 7 million (, national public health institute of the United States)
Alcohol (2011)
The figure is for death by alcohol, in conventionally accepted alcoholic drinks or otherwise, for the year 2011, and are all world: 2,5 million (Oxfam) 1.25 million (WHO)
Illegal drugs
Premature death from illegal drugs, including cocaine and heroin are for all world - minimum of 190,900, of a total of approximately 450,000, 160, 000 by drug-addiction, 118, 000 by opiate use (WHO, 2015)
China (2014)
49, 000 deaths
European Union (2000 - 2010)
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction estimates for the described period found a figure of 70, 000 drug-overdose deaths.
The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (known usually as the Nazi party) were a governing political party within Germany during the second world war. In the assessment of data of number deaths, death by mens rea killing, for the purposes of a pre-determined goal of eliminating members of a certain population (known as genocide), and responses to groups as a militant punishment for breach of law (known as reprisals ) is included:
Deaths in the previous Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were 7.4 million.
*people of jewish ethnicity - 6 million;
*people of the Soviet Union - 7 million;
*of Poland 1,8 million;
*Serbians - 312,000,
*disabled people - maximum of 250,000;
*Romani gypsies - 196,000-220,000;
*repeat crime offender and those designated "asocials" - at least 70,000;
*Jehovah's Witnesses - about 1,900.
Third reich of the Nazi party during the second world war (beginning 1941) by gun-shot or asphyxiation by gas (people of Jewish ethnicity) - approximately (less than) 2.7 million (source: United States Holocaust memorial museum).
Nuclear device use in Japan (1945)
The military of the United States used two nuclear devices, detonated at two cities of Japan during 1945:
*Hiroshima - 80, 000 dead from heat produced by the nuclear blast, an additional 112,020 dead from radiation poisoning and other lethal factors resulting from the initial blast.
*Nagasaki - 70,000 + died from the heat produced by the nuclear blast.
United states (2016)
Suicide, figures are for the United States only - 22, 938
Gun deaths
United States (1968 - 2016)
The total number of gun deaths for the year 1968 to 2016 within the United States is 1'567'451
Terrorism (2010)
Terrorism is a term to describe hostile action by militant individuals or groups of militant individuals, against civilians; figures are for all world: - 13, 186 (Oxfam, figure for 2010)
Killed by police services
In the situation of death by police services, death is presumed to have occurred predominantly from gun-shot injuries, other causes of death include by weapons manufactured by Axon enterprises incorporated known as and restraint.
Shot by police services
United States (2016-2019)
In the United States possession of guns is legally possible and officers of the police are empowered to carry guns.
According to the Washington Post, the number dead per year by shot from police officers is:
*2019 : 270 (to April 20th)
*2018 : 992
*2017: 987
*2016: 963
Killed and were at the time of their fatal shooting, in possession of a gun or knife (2015-2017)
Data is taken from a report by The Washington Post:
Britain (2001 -2019)
The number of people killed during the twenty-first century is 46 people, of this number 19 were shot within the boundaries of London.
*2019: 2
*2018: 1
*2017: 7
*2016: 3
*2015: 3
*2014: 1
*2013: 0
*2012: 1
*2011: 1
*2010: 0
*2009: 2
*2008: 3
*2007: 3
*2006: 2 (included one armed robber)
*2005: 6
*2004: 2
*2003: 1
*2002: 0
*2001: 2
Shot, found to be innocents (2005)
Shot by the police services, found to be non-criminals after death -
Tazer gun
United States (1983 - 2017)
In cases where death involved use of a weapon designed by Axon Enterprises (previously Tazer Enterprises), the organisation Reuters scrutinized public records and found, as a direct result or as contributory factor of use of Tazer gun 153 deaths occurred (a proportion of approximately 25% of the dead had either a diagnosed mental disorder of neurological disorder.)
By restraint
By restraint, is to use force to physically immobolize and control the movements of:
Death by restraint and Pava spray (a type of incapacitant) - 1 death (in Wales, Britain) 2008: 310 (three incidents), 2007: 568 (five incidents), 2006: 561 dead, 50 survive (four incidents)
Space exploration programs
United States (1986, 2003)
Accidents resulting in deaths while crafts were in flight account for 14 deaths of astronauts of the United States program. Seven deaths were caused outbound during January 28, 1986, and another seven inbound during February the 1st 2003.
United Socialist Soviet Republics (1967)
The first known death (of one individual) of the USSR program occurred on the April 24 1967. 89 countries have the death penalty as part of their law, during 2017, of those 89, 53 are with jurisdiction to enforce the law in practice. During 2017 and 2016, 23 countries (for both years) are known to have enacted the law to kill members of their countries by the penalty (source: Amnesty international).
United States of America
The death penalty exists in law in both jurisdictions of each state, in which the penalty is law, and in addition to federal law, that is by enaction of the government of the United States (based in Washington D.C.).
Methods for execution used are of five types:
*hanging this is the first type of execution used in the history of execution in the United States, and is the method used until the 1890's
*electrocution by electric chair was created within New York during 1888, and used to perform the first execution by this method during 1890.
*gas chamber was first used in the United States, a method that was invented within the country, during 1924.
*lethal injection as a method, was first used in the United states during 1977, and is the method in use in the present.
*firing squad was reauthorized during 2015, for use if chemicals for lethal injection are found to be unavailable
By federal law (1988 - 2019)
The number of people executed by the federal death penalty in the United States for the period 1988 to 2019 is 3.
Saudi Arabia (2007 - 2019)
By death penalty of the Saudi government:
* 2019 - 59
* 2018 - 149
*2017 - 146+
*2016 - 153 or 154 or 154+
*2015 - 158
*2014 - 90+
*2013 - 79+
*2012 - 79+
*2011 - 82+
*2010 - 26 or 27
*2009 - 69+
*2008 - 102+
*2007 - 143+
Mental Health services
By the use of force in restraint techniques
Britain (2012/2013 - 2016/2017)
The Agenda alliance for women and girls at risk, using data gathered by the organisation known as Care Quality Commission ( responsible for ensuring adequate levels of care in hospitals of Britain), found that in a four to five year period (2012/2013 to 2016/2017) 32 deaths of women involved the use of force by restraint techniques performed by mental health service workers.
Other accidental deaths
*meat-blender accident - 1 (known of incident of)
*electrocuted by earphones - 1 known of incident of (in Malaysia)
*chainsaw kick-back - 1 known of incident of (in England, Britain)
*electrocuted by improvised apparatus for use as sexual stimulation - 2 known deaths (in North America)
*as a result of injuries caused by a dumbwaiter - 1 known incident of (in Wisconsin, North America)
*motor vehicle in mode of operation controlled autonomously by computer program (automated vehicle industry) - 1 known incident of, during March 18th, 2018 (in Tempe, Arizona, North America)
*decapitation by rotating blade of helicopter - 1 known of incident (in Florida, United States)
Homicide for purposes other than the mens rea of the homicide being for the individual to be dead
The first legal case of cannibalism to have occurred in German history, was during 2003 when
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