Hug a Ginga Day

Hug a ginga day was initially started by Dominic "Dom" Harvey from in 2008.
This day falls on the last Friday of May each year, and is a day to celebrate red-heads (Gingas). In 2011, the day has been renamed to "Heart a Ginga Day". According to The Edge Programme Director Leon Wratt, this was done in order to " Gingas some appreciation and making them feel proud of their flaming locks".
Each year people are encouraged to "Hug responsibly" if they desire physical contact, such as asking permission prior to hugging a Ginga.
Hug a ginga day began as a way to celebrate red-heads, being a red-head, and red hair in general, by offering them a hug. Some years gingas have also been offered free coffee & hair-cuts on this day, in celebration of their hair color.
However, after much controversy, in 2011 renamed the day from "Hug a Ginga" to "Heart a Ginga" in order to encourage a less-physical appreciation for red-headed people.
The day sparked outrage from a lot of people that red-headed people were being singled out to be made fun of, in particular one vocal father of two red-headed boys Stephen Simpson made a name for himself by going head-to-head with Dominic Harvey on Close Up.
However a poll run by Close-Up during the interview show approx 2/3 of the population support the movement.
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