Hubert and Abby

Hubert and Abby is daily comic strip written and drawn by Mel Henze. The strip chronicles the adventures of Abby, a nurse, and her two annoying pets, Hubert and Turtle. Hubert and Abby has been in comic strip syndication with Universal Press Syndicate subsidiary Uclick since 2004.
Abby, the strip's main human character, lovingly tolerates her two companions. The strip's humor stems mainly from Hubert's princess-like attitude and his expectations of a life filled with every technological device known to exist. However Abby, the only member of the household actually earning a wage, is somewhat of a luddite and has a slightly different approach to life. Abby's ideal vacation spot is a rustic cabin by a lake; Hubert would bring luggage. Turtle, though significantly more introspective than Hubert, sometimes gets drawn into his schemes.
At one point in the strip, Hubert believed he was a hamster with glandular problem, but discovered a book of Abby's called "Care and Feeding of your Guinea Pig". Before the reality of being a "Pig" sunk in, Hubert remarked that he had difficulty remembering ANY care OR feeding. Later he discovers that he's not actually a guinea pig. This identity crisis forms a significant part of future storylines. Turtle suggests Hubert is a stink-bug, adding further that "Stink is a strong scientific indicator".
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