Howard Blazzard

Howard Chadwick Blazzard (September 8, 1919 - August 23, 2007) was a World War II and Vietnam War veteran. He is buried in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery.
Early life
Born in Saint Johns, Arizona, Blazzard attended Northern Arizona University where he played football and was part of the ROTC program.
Military career
Pre World War Two
Due to the activation of American military forces, Blazzard was called up and entered the United States Army as a Sergeant in September 1940 as one of the first to partake in OCS. In September 1941 he joined the 4th Infantry Division, 22nd Infantry Regiment.
World War Two
Early 1944, Blazzard was stationed in England preparing for the invasion of Europe. He partook in the D-Day invasion at Utah Beach, landing with the 4th Infantry Division, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Company "M". Their Battalion worked to capture the beachside fortifications in the days shortly after landing in France. On June 7, Blazzard was shot through both legs, but was still able to fight, earning him his first Purple Heart. On June 10 he took command of "L" Company when its former commander, Captain Edward Gatto, was killed.
Blazzard played an important role in the capture of Cherbourg, where his company was able to secure the Cherbourg Airfield outside Gonneville. In the days that followed he rode in a jeep with his radio operator, waving a white flag, to discuss the terms of German surrender. In the discussions Blazzard exclaimed how they were utterly surrounded. Over 900 soldiers surrendered the following morning to his about half strength company. For these actions he heard the Bronze Star and Silver Star respectively.
When the Allies entered Paris, Blazzard was part of the initial units to enter accompanied by Ernest Hemingway and Charles de Gaulle. Shortly after entering Paris, Blazzard was part of an operation crossing the Canal de la Sambre. He took the initiative and identified the only standing crossing, an abandoned rail trestle, and while under fire crossed the bridge with his unit to ultimately capture a V2 rocket base. For his actions he was awarded the Silver Star.
In Mid September 1944 as part of the first units to push through the Siegfried Line. Blazzard was operating in a regimental capacity and noticed their assault was not going as planned. He and his commander, Charles T. Lanham, pushed toward their units to motivate the assault. During the assault Blazzard was wounded by a German Panzerfaust. He crawled to a nearby tank destroyer and ordered them to fire on the bunker. Refusing to be evacuated he pushed toward the fortification, hurled several grenades inside ultimately capturing the fortification and enemy troops. For his actions he earned his 5th Purple Heart and the Distinguished Service Cross
Post War Political Career
After returning to Arizona from the war, Blazzard became the Assistant Secretary of State of Arizona. He was active with initiatives focused on helping veterans from World War Two and met with Harry Truman. During this time he managed a real estate business until he returned to the Army in 1946.
Return to the Army
Returning to the Army, Blazzard was a Battalion Commander with the 2nd Armored Division. In December 1946, Blazzard was assigned to be a Infantry Instructor/Advisor in Venezuela operating as a military advisor to the newly established democratic government as a result of the El Trienio Adeco. He worked in the country until June 1950.
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