House Somerville

In Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy series, House Somerville is the ruling duchy of L'Agnace. They are Scions of , with the distinguishing characteristic of having the scent of apples in their sweat.
Members of House Somerville
Genvieve de la Courcel de Somerville
Genvieve de la Courcel de Somerville was the wife of King Ganelon de la Courcel.
Ghislain de Somerville
Ghislain de Somerville is the son of Percy de Somerville. He has pale blue eyes and a broad face, and the scent of apples common to all Somervilles. Ghislain proves himself an able military commander; he is particularly good with maps, and commands a faction of unerring L'Agnacite archers.
When King Ganelon grants Percy the duchy of House Trevalion and commands him to sail the fleet of Azzalle against , Percy hands these responsibilities to Ghislain, who finds himself kept from the Alban Coast by the efforts of the Master of the Straits. Facing enormous waves and great storms, Ghislain deems failure the better part of wisdom, and turns back the fleet.
During the Skaldic invasion, Ghislain is in charge of military forces holding off the Skaldi in Namarre. He meets up with Phèdre nó Delaunay, Drustan mab Necthana, and the forces of the Albans and Dalriada, and finds himself on the end of Joscelin Verreuil's Cassiline blades, along with half a dozen Alban and Dalriadan swords when he inadvertently insults Phèdre.
When Drustan mab Necthana and his Alban forces begin launching strikes on the Skaldi lines, Ghislain directs his D'Angelines to fill a pass and trap the Skaldi.
Percy de Somerville
Percy de Somerville, also called "Percy of L'Agnace", is an important nobleman, the Comte de Somerville and Commander of the Royal Army. He is cousin-germane to Rolande de la Courcel, kinsman to Queen Genevieve, a Prince of the Blood, though he seldom claims that title. In Kushiel's Dart he is described as being about fifty years old, with grey-dimmed golden hair, and the faint odor of apples always clinging to him.
Following the overthrow of the , King Ganelon commands Percy to sail the fleet of Azzalle against Alba. At the same time, Ganelon deeds to Percy the duchy of Trevalion, as reward for his faithful service when House Trevalion turned traitor. Percy in turn hands the responsibility to his son, Ghislain.
is the Commander of the Royal Army.
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