
Hoteikan is an American, hybrid martial art that incorporates Shotokan Karate, Sosuishi Ryu jujutsu, and Judo. The name translates into the "House of Hotei". Hotei is one of the seven gods of prosperity, otherwise known as the "Laughing Buddha".

The Hoteikan came into existence officially in 1974 in the Bronx area of New York City through the collaboration of Emilio Claudio and Robert Hasman. Together they pooled their knowledge of the martial arts in order to form what they believed to be a more rounded system.

The Dojo Kun (Creed)
The Dojo Kun (creed or pledge) is recited at the conclusion of the martial arts class, allowing the students to reflect upon the guiding principles of Hoteikan.

We strive for perfection.

We seek mental discipline.

We seek physical well-being.

We are humble in victory,

and gracious in defeat.

To earn respect,

and learn the way of Hoteikan.

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