
Horror-Fi is a film sub-genre that combines elements of the science fiction film and the horror film.
The term Horror-Fi can also apply to films that feature a horror premise along with the physical and visual trappings of science fiction film. Cinematically, Horror-Fi may have started with the 1951 film “The Thing from Another World”, though some consider the “Frankenstein” and “Invisible Man” movies to be sci-fi/horror hybrids, thus making them “Horror-Fi”.
Movies that could be considered Horror-Fi include:
* (and all of the series),
*The Alien Factor,
*Altered Species,
*Galaxy of Terror,
*Alien Prey,
*The Deadly Spawn,
*Event Horizon,
*The Incredible Melting Man,
*Invasion of the Body Snatchers,
*John Carpenter’s The Thing,
*The Invisible Man,
*The Thing From Another World
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