Horatio Holzbein

Horatio Holzbein is an ex-financial market specialist turned artist, originally from the South West of England. He has campaigned for greater financial transparency in the art market and has also led campaigns to try to limit the factors which are believed help to create art market investment bubbles.
Born in 1963, he started painting at an early age but switched career to become a full time artist only at the age of 33. He is an advocate and practitioner of what he describes as pre-impressionist painting techniques (rather than Old Master). He won first prize at the Lantilly meeting in France in February 2008, an event which promotes the work of contemporary painters working in traditional techniques.
Holzbein has also published several books which address various aspects of the world. These include a practical treatise on old painting techniques, a philosophical manifesto for anachronistic artists (see: Peak civilization anachronism) as well as acerbically humorous short texts.
Notable exhibitions
* Forgeries and Fakes, (studies after named masters), Frankfurt-am-Main, 1996/1997.
* Renaissance and the Rat, Florence, 1999.
* Waterloo Retirees, Maastricht, 2001.
* The Magic Flute, Paris, 2005.
* If Rowly had stayed in France, Lantilly, 2008.
* Romance (group exhibition), London, 2008.
* How to be a Contemporary Visual Arts Genius (in four easy steps), Holzbein, H., SBS Publications, 2008.
* How to be a Traditional Visual Arts Genius (in four easy steps), Holzbein, H., SBS Publications, 2007.
* The Artist's Guide to Mythopoeicism, Holzbein, H., Rheinhardt Press, 2004.
* Zurück in die Zukunft: Anachronistische Perspektiven für bildende Künstler, Holzbein, H., Wolffgang & Wuerzle, 1989.
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